
Skladování a distribuce

Všechny logistické služby pro vaše úspěšné podnikání na jednom místě. Profesionální služby a individuálnípřístup ke každému zákazníkovi.

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Skladovací služba

Zajišťujeme skladování a manipulaci se zbožím. Moderní procesy evidence vstupů zboží. Přebalování, označování, konečná úprava do finálních komerčních produktů.

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Warehouse facilities

Adequate and professional warehouse facilities.


The use of the most modern technologies for a more precise and quicker warehouse operation.

System connectivity

The ability to automatically connect business systems.

Data & Data

Detailed and precise basis for a reliable analysis of delivery.

WMS system

Inventory management handled with help of up-to-date WMS system for warehouse management.

Customer satisfaction

We value immensely the satisfaction of clients and end-users.


Warehousing and distribution

All logistics services for your successful business in one place. Professional services and individual approach to each customer.

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Warehousing service

We provide storage and handling of goods. Modern processes of registration of goods inputs. Repackaging, labeling, finishing into final commercial products.

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